to complete this offer of service, also see the carpooling page :
For more information : 819-832-2711/-1717 or email at
Tickets (tokens and passes) are on sale in our municipality.
Pamphlets, application forms for adapted transportation, and registration forms
for group transportation by reservation are also available at our premises.

Municipal and Regional Services
For informations about schools in our area, you can visit the website of the Commission Scolaire des Hauts-Cantons
308, rue Palmer, East-Angus (Québec) J0B 1R0
Phone : 819-832-4953 / Fax : 819-832-4863
Website :

Pavillon des loisirs
(Multifunctional Building)
The multifunctional building (pavillon des loisirs) is now available for the citizens
of Hampden for meetings, family parties, receptions, events and others.
For information contact us at the municipal office on opening hours.
The 911 service (provided by CAUCA 911 Chaudières-Appalaches) is available to the public for emergencies such as fire, accident and the police service.
The security of citizens and property is ensured by the Sûreté du Québec.
Cookshire Police Station: 440 Craig Street North, Cookshire, QC - 819 875-3331
Emergency (Fire & Security)
We have a fire service which is provided by volunteers in our community.
You can not burn grass in Quebec. To obtain a burning permit for
something else than grass, you can contact the Chief Fire Officer.
The security and fire department risk cover plan has been accepted by the government and a press conference took place friday, the 5th of November 2010 at the MRC du Haut-Saint-François building.
Ecocentre of the Haut-Saint-François RCM
Click on the image on the left to view the document in PDF format.
Click here to access the Ecocentre's web page on the HSF MRC site
CLSC - Hospitals - Health Ressources
The population of the Canton of Hampden is served by the :
CLSC de La Patrie : 40, rue du Moulin, La Patrie, QC J0B 1Y0 - 819 821‑4000
CLSC de Cookshire : 700, rue Craig Nord, Cookshire-Eaton, QC J0B 1M0 - 819 821‑4000
Other Ressource :
- Family Doctor Access Desk :
The Hospitals :
- CHUS Fleurimont and the CHUS Hôtel-Dieu in Sherbrooke (tel. : 819 346-1110).
- Centre hospitalier du Granit in Lac-Mégantic (tel. : 819 583-0330)
Permit delivred by the municipality
A permit is required for any construction, renovation, demolition, septic installation, drain field, soil analysis, location plan, culvert, etc.
You can get them at themunicipal office by calling 819 560-8444 for an appointment. Permits may also be issued on Saturday, on request.

The community newspaper «L'ÉVÈNEMENT» that you receive at home
can also be a useful tool to let us know your opinions.
Page in ENGLISH :
We have three (3) places of worship :
Église Catholique de St-Paul-de-Scotstown,
Presbyterian Church of St. Paul's
and United Church of St Andrew's.

Transport de personnes HSF offers a service of adapted public transport
for the citizens of Haut-Saint-François, in order to get about inside the territory of the RCM and outside.
Find all the informations on their website :
(the website is partially bilingual)

Centre des femmes du Haut-Saint-François - La Passerelle
«La Passerelle» is a dynamic resource where women of all ages, living in diverse situations, meet, learn, discuss, get enthusiastic and act collectively to improve the lives of women.
Services: - Individual follow-ups - Group meetings
- Awareness workshops - Mobilization - Computers
Please note that transportation is available for women who need it.
873-825-7060 - Toll free 877-447-3423 - email :
275, rue Principale est Cookshire-Eaton -- website :
Calendar 2025

Calendar for the collections of recycling matters, garbages and compost
Click the image on the left to see or download the calendar in PDF.
> > Reminder : Since 2014 the burying of wood is banned. More concretely, it's forbidden for your employees and/or contractors to include wood in Special Collections (large trash) that ends up directly in the landfill. Contact us for more information.

A dental clinic in the neighborhood
Installed since May 2019 in modernized facilities of the CLSC de La Patrie, the Girard & Laplante Dental Clinic this private dentistry service offers care to all, regardless of where they live.
It should be noted that this service needs to be encouraged and supported by the citizens of all the neighbouring villages in order to maintain it. The Girard & Laplante Dental Clinic invites all of Dr. Bertiaud's former patients - for whom it has custody of the files - as well as all new patients to come in large numbers.
Make an appointment by phone at the Lac-Mégantic office at 819-583-2288.
Scotstown/Hampden Public Library
101, ch. Victoria Ouest, Scotstown - Free for our citizens
Opening hours:
Tuesday: 6 to 7:30 p.m. - Friday: 10 to 11 a.m. - Saturday: 10 to 11:30 a.m.

Memory Aid (in french) :
What to Recycle ?
What to compost ?
What to throw away ? (garbage)
PDF Form to print and fill to rent
the « Pavillon des loisirs » or the Marquee

Meals on wheels (Frozen Homemade Meals)
( Centre d'action bénévole du HSF )
Click on the image to your left to consult the menu.
All the information you need! The menu and cooking methods.
You can print this document and fill it in to place your order... You can also order online on the CAB website at :